What are the Japan Government Auctions?
Who are the Japan Government Auctions most suitable for?
How do I participate in the Japan Government Auctions?
How long does the Japan Government Auction take from start to finish?
Is the price I see the sale price?
What fees and charges do the authorities offering the vehicles charge on top of the successful tender price?
Is it cheaper to buy from Japan Government Auctions than the other databases?
How much should I offer when I tender?
Are the Japan Government Auctions suitable if I'm just wanting one unit?
Are the Japan Government Auctions suitable for private importers?
What are the Japan Government Auctions?
The Japan Government Auctions are an aggregated database of local and prefectural government auctions in Japan which until 2021 operated within the Yahoo! Japan Auction. They now operate on their own platform operated by an entity named KSI. Key features are:
- Government Only. Only government agencies are able to submit listings. Because of this listings will normally be either former property of those agencies, or property that has been seized by those agencies because of defaults in tax payments.
- Tender Bidding. Unlike the main Yahoo! Japan Auctions, Japan Government Auctions run on a tender basis, where you submit a tender of the price that you're willing to bid for a particular listings.
- Pre Registration. With the Japan Government Auctions you're required to register prior to the commencement of the tender period and pay a registration fee. We do this on your behalf by drawing the funds from your Trading Account and sending them to the agency conducting the auction. If you're unsuccesful on the listing the agency will normally return your funds which are then credited back into your account.
- Seasonality. There are periods when the auctions are active and periods when they are inactive.
Who are the Japan Government Auctions most suitable for?
They're most suitable for commercial importers specialising in stock such as amulances or fire trucks who want large quantities of stock on an ongoing basis. Normally these importers will also source from other databases such as the Wholesale Vehicle Auctions, Yahoo! Japan Auction and dealer databases.
How do I participate in the Japan Government Auctions?
Like the other auctions you need a funded account with us to participate in the Japan Government Auctions. There are 4 steps to participation:
- Identify Listing. Let us know the listing that you're interested in by email or Skype.
- Bid Tracker. We then enter it into your Bid Tracker with further information about the listing.
- Register. If you want to tender for the listing please let us know the amount you wish to tender. We then prepare registration documents and lodge these with the government authority conducting the auction.
- Result. After the close of the tender period the government authority announces the result. If you're successful we pay the authority and organise transport to the port, documentation and shipping to your destination. If you're unsuccessful the authority might return your deposit, in which case this is credited back to your Trading Account.
How long does the Japan Government Auction take from start to finish?
The period will vary from unit to unit. It typically takes several months and up to half a year from registration process until the successful tenderer is notified.
Is the price I see the sale price?
Normally not. The price indicated by the seller is usually a minimum expected price. The actual sale price is the price offered by the highest tenderer. This price is normally not made public. It can be substantially more than the minimum expected price given by the seller.
What fees and charges do the authorities offering the vehicles charge on top of the successful tender price?
This can vary from authority to authority and vehicle to vehicle. We can estimate costs before you place your tender.
Is it cheaper to buy from Japan Government Auctions than the other databases?
This is impossible to know since unlike databases such as the Wholesale Vehicle Auctions there is no public database of the successful tender prices.
How much should I offer when I tender?
We suggest you look at the sales statistics in the Wholesale Vehicle Auctions for the stock types you want to import and use this as a guide to how much you offer for tender.
Are the Japan Government Auctions suitable if I'm just wanting one unit?
Normally not. The process can last for several months and up to half a year from the start of registration until the result is known. By contrast sourcing from the other databases you would normally know the result in a day or so. If you're unsuccessful you can them place buy orders on other units unit you're successful.
Are the Japan Government Auctions suitable for private importers?
Normally not. The process can last for several months and up to half a year from the start of registration until the result is known. By contrast sourcing from the other databases you would normally know the result in a day or so. If you're unsuccessful you can them place buy orders on other units unit you're successful.