2023 marked 40 years of successful trading.
The company started as a provider of specialised non-ferous and hardened ferous welding services. In the 1990's the company was approached by a group of importers frustrated by the difficulty of sourcing automotive stock in Japan without a reliable multi-supplier network in place and without an ongoing day to day presence on the ground in Japan actively sourcing stock.
TS EXPORT® then began to meet this need. The company developed supply networks, an EXPORT CENTRE and holding yards and made these services available to other client groups throughout the world.
And without even knowing it the company had pioneered JAPAN EXPORT SERVICES.
Rather than buying in something and then trying to make you buy it, TS EXPORT® took YOUR perspective by helping you get the stock that YOU actually want. And give you access to the full range of suppliers for more choice and the best prices. Even those suppliers normally out of bounds to foreign based importers.
And without even knowing it the company had pioneered JAPAN EXPORT SERVICES.
Rather than buying in something and then trying to make you buy it, TS EXPORT® took YOUR perspective by helping you get the stock that YOU actually want. And give you access to the full range of suppliers for more choice and the best prices. Even those suppliers normally out of bounds to foreign based importers.
Until the launch of this website in December 2007 all TS EXPORT® growth was by word of mouth, referrals and repeat business from ongoing clients. Even now, over 90% of business volume is to repeat B2B clients who keep using the TS EXPORT® service year after year.
The company has now shipped HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of stock items WORLDWIDE, which means YOU CAN SOURCE AND SHIP WITH CONFIDENCE.

Malcolm Gladwell
Scroll down to learn more about the evolution of the TS EXPORT® service.
2025 TS EXPORT Becomes the first automotive and machinery exporter from Japan to provide website users with answers to their questions in natural English with AI through the search bar. In response to the popularity of the Instant Info System it will be expanded to include additional stock categories.
2024 Additional destination countries added to the Instant Info System.
2023 The company celebrated 40 Years of successful trading. Instant Info System launched on TS-EXPORT.com. The Instant Info System lets users of the site select information packs on importing specific stock types and have them delivered in a few minutes 24/7 regardless of the time in their country or the time in Japan. Electric Vehicle pages expanded to cover all brands and models and provide more choice than any other exporter from Japan.
2022 Arai Auction System rolled out on TS-EXPORT.com. The Arai truck and machinery auctions are Japan's largest specialist truck and machinery auction houses with typically around 3,000 units available at any time. The auction houses are at multiple locations throughout Japan.
2021 Kobe office relocated to larger premises. Fifteen Year Anniversary of TS-EXPORT.com. TS-EXPORT.com exceeds 1.5 million monthly pageviews. TS-EXPORT.com ranked within top 1% of all websites for worldwide traffic by Alexa. New version of Japan Government Auction System launched. This lets importers source cars, trucks, buses, ambulances and machinery from government agencies throughout Japan.
2020 Sourcing and shipping of vehicles and machinery operates normally through the COVID-19 pandemic. Codebase of TS-EXPORT.com updated for increased speed and security. New server added to TS-EXPORT.com for increased speed, security and stability.
2019 Extra developers appointed to improve and expand TS-EXPORT.com. Additional server added to TS-EXPORT.com for increased speed, security and stability. Helpdesk upgraded for faster and better responses to enquiries.
2018 The company celebrated 35 Years of successful trading. TS-EXPORT.com exceeds 1 million monthly pageviews.
2017 TS-EXPORT.com exceeded 10 million total pageviews. Upgrades to Helpdesk to improve support.
2016 Ten Year Anniversary of TS-EXPORT.com. Major makeover of TS-EXPORT.com to improve the quality of design, ease of navigation and performance on mobile devices. MOBI version of the JP Auction System launched. This was the first aggregation system for Japanese Wholesale Vehicle Auctions designed specifically for use on mobile devices.
2015 Rollout of a new tiled design theme on TS-EXPORT.com where users could easily navigate the site with just images and simple words on both desktop and mobile devices.
Security and privacy upgraded on TS-EXPORT.com with the installation of a Transport Layer Security and other security enhancements. Speed of TS-EXPORT.com improved by serving from a combined 37 servers throughout the world for a faster, smoother experience regardless of location.
Release of OneType on TS-EXPORT.com. OneType lets users view a single type of a category of vehicle in the Japanese Wholesale Vehicle Auctions, such as trucks of different body types. Rather than having to manually sort though hundreds of auction listings OneType lets users view exactly what they want with just one click, saving hours of manually having to go through listings. TS EXPORT was the first exporter from Japan to offer this capability.
OneBrand rollout completed on TS-EXPORT.com. OneBrand lets users view all the listings for a particular vehicle brand from end users, private sellers, dealers, wholesalers and auctions throughout Japan on multiple databases on a single page.
OneModel launched. OneModel lets users view all the listings for a particular model from end users, private sellers, dealers, wholesalers and auctions throughout Japan on multiple databases on a single page. TS-EXPORT.com exceeds 4 million pageviews.
Security and privacy upgraded on TS-EXPORT.com with the installation of a Transport Layer Security and other security enhancements. Speed of TS-EXPORT.com improved by serving from a combined 37 servers throughout the world for a faster, smoother experience regardless of location.
Release of OneType on TS-EXPORT.com. OneType lets users view a single type of a category of vehicle in the Japanese Wholesale Vehicle Auctions, such as trucks of different body types. Rather than having to manually sort though hundreds of auction listings OneType lets users view exactly what they want with just one click, saving hours of manually having to go through listings. TS EXPORT was the first exporter from Japan to offer this capability.
OneBrand rollout completed on TS-EXPORT.com. OneBrand lets users view all the listings for a particular vehicle brand from end users, private sellers, dealers, wholesalers and auctions throughout Japan on multiple databases on a single page.
OneModel launched. OneModel lets users view all the listings for a particular model from end users, private sellers, dealers, wholesalers and auctions throughout Japan on multiple databases on a single page. TS-EXPORT.com exceeds 4 million pageviews.
2014 OnePage launched on TS-EXPORT.com. OnePage lets users view all the listings from end users, private sellers, dealers, wholesalers and auctions throughout Japan on multiple databases on a single page. TS EXPORT® is the only exporter from Japan to offer the simplicity and convenience of OnePage. New dedicated server added to TS-EXPORT.com for increased speed, security and stability. Kobe logistics and administration office opened. TS-EXPORT.com exceeds 1.5 million pageviews.
2013 The company celebrated 30 Years of successful trading, the 10 Year anniversary of the TS Export Centre and debt-free status after a decade long expansion. Osaka logistics and administration office opened.
2012 Major upgrade to TS-EXPORT.com. More product categories, in page clickable thumbnail grids of current listings and improved navigation. Upgrade to JP Auction System completed featuring user selectable interfaces. Goonet and Rakuten Systems launched featuring listings available in multiple languages. Converted TS-EXPORT.com to responsive design so the site adjusts to different size screens, improving usability on mobile devices.
2011 Japan Government Auctions online service launched. This is the first time an exporter from Japan had offered Japan Government Auctions to the world in English. Yahoo! Japan Auction System Version 3 launched with improved feature set, speed and stability and full integration with other pages of the website.
2010 TS EXPORT® trademark approved by Japan Patent Office.
2009 JP Auction System trial commenced, integrating 141 Japanese wholesale vehicle auctions into one system.
2008 Company reaches "a quarter century of trading" milestone. Export Centre 2 second floor renovations completed.
2007 TS-EXPORT.com website fully launched with 24/7 free real-time auction access and bidding. TS Labs project launched to make more Japanese language databases available to offshore importers in their own language and currency.
2006 Online listings launched with Yahoo! Japan Auction System Version 1. This was the first fully featured Yahoo! Japan Auction System offered by a B2B exporter from Japan. The system let users from around the world view listings from the largest online auction in their own language and currency.
2005 First web developer appointed and TS-EXPORT.com concept incubated. "Everything that's available in Japan online in one place". Export Centre 1 Loading Bay constructed giving undercover, ground level, drive in container loading. Done For You Auto Parts Containers service launched.
2004 Granted dismantling licence under the new End of Life Vehicle Recycling Law. Export Centre 2 & 3 complex purchased. EC2 & EC3 Ground floor storage areas established.
2003 Export Centre 1 complex purchased. Workshop, dismantling, accomodation, office and storage facilities established.
2002 Southern Area Holding Yard established. Motorbike export services launched.
2001 Northern Area Holding Yard purchased.
2000 Agricultural Machinery and Construction Machinery export services launched.
1999 New company president appointed. TS becomes a second generation business. Yahoo! Japan Auction service launched.
1998 Auto Parts Containers and Whole Car Export services launched. First company website launched. Listings by email service launched.
1995-1997 Planning meetings with foundation group of automotive export clients.
1994 Automotive export planning commenced.
1992-1993 Study of the Japanese automotive industry and visits to manufacturing plants of all of the Japanese automakers throughout Japan.
1991 TS EXPORT® founder comes to Japan.
1983 Tsuchiyama Sangyo parent company established and registered. First workshop and office constructed in the Tsuchiyama district of Himeji, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.